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Split Training

Routine split training allows you to target all major muscle groups whilst providing recovery time

Split Training

What is meant by the term ‘Split Training’ and why do we do it?

The ‘Split training System’ is very simply, the principle of splitting the body into sections in order to

focus on a specific area on a set training session. One of the most well-known examples of this and

what we do at JWC is the ‘push/pull/legs’ split. Using this split we are focusing each session on only

the muscle groups required for that movement pattern/body part.

Why do we do this?

A key component to developing muscle and strength is in the ‘volume’ of training or in other words,

the number of exercises, sets and reps a specific muscle group performs during that workout. With

most people dedicating 45 – 75 minutes to their training, a whole-body approach would be

inefficient leading to low volume and/or insufficient recovery periods.

Another advantage to a split programme, is that when working one muscle group the others are left

to effectively recover, meaning that you are able to train with more frequency without suffering

early fatigue and potential injuries.

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